Tips: Basic Lawn Care Management
Viola's Planting Guide will help you figure out what types of plants should go into different areas of your gardens. These guides are designed for Flagstaff gardens and are broken up into different categories.
Watering should be preformed in the morning. With dew and cooler temperatures in the morning the water is more likely to enter the soil and not evaporate into the warmer air. This practice also helps prevent disease. As long as the lawn is not freshly planted, following the citys ordinance of watering three days a week is a good schedule. Skipping days promotes good root growth. When watering, water deep by drenching the roots, and try to skip as many days as you can. The better your soil, and the deeper the root growth, the more days you will be able to skip.
Mowing is one of the most important practices of lawn management. There are three main factors to consider: mowing height, mower blade sharpness, and mowing frequency and direction.
Mower Height
It is ideal not to cut more than one third of the total leaf height during any one mowing. The ideal height for your mower is 2 to 3 inches. To check the height, mow a small area then use a small ruler to measure. A short mowing height weakens the grass and increases it susceptibility to weed invasion, disease, insect problems, and injury from drought and summer heat.
Mower Blade Sharpness
The same time that you are checking the mower height, check the quality of the cut. If the grass is jagged, or there is not a clean cut, then your blade may need sharpening. Jagged cuts may also be a mechanical problem.
Mowing Frequency and Direction
It is a good practice to mow your lawn once every 7 to 10 days during the growing season. The direction or path of mowing should be altered every two mowings.
Fertilizers can be applied 8 to 10 weeks in the growing season. Grass should be fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizers can burn if applied improperly. You must show caution not to overlap paths. Make sure to not spill extra fertilizer on the lawn when making turns. There are a lot of new fertilizers for all kinds of lawn problems; we even carry a line of organic lawn fertilizers. Talk to your Violas professional to help you decide which fertilizer is best for your lawn.
NOTE: You will see a big difference in the spring if you apply winterizer to your lawn in the early spring.
Aerating & Removing Thatch
Got compact soil in your lawn?
You may want to visit a local rental store for an aerator. An aerator will create 2 to 3 inch holes in your lawn, allowing water and air to reach the roots. The aerator will leave plugs behind that will break down within one month.
Got thatch?
Thatch is organic debris from old lawn clippings that have not decomposed and remain on the surface of your lawn. You can usually use a thatch rake or a regular hard rake to solve this problem. If there is too much to pick-up by hand, you may need to rent a power raker at your local rental store.
Proper mowing techniques will help minimize this problem. Please see the Mowing section of this page.
Viola's Maintenance Program
Tired of dealing with your lawn?
Viola's maintenance crew has been caring for yards for over 10 years, including spring and fall clean-ups. We are confident you will be pleased with our services. Schedule an appointment for a free estimate today.